Did you know ONE PERSON DIES EVERY HOUR FROM ORAL CANCER in the United States, and the mortality has remained unchanged for more than 40 years? Late detection of oral cancer is the primary cause that both the incidence and mortality rates of oral cancer continue to increase. As with most other cancers, age is the primary risk factor for oral cancer. Though tobacco use is a major predisposing risk factor, 27% of oral cancer victims have no lifestyle risk factors.
Attention all Women… According to the American Cancer Society, more women in the United States will be diagnosed with oral cancer this year (12,000 cases) than will be diagnosed with cervical cancer (less than 10,000 cases), and there are as many cases of oral cancer caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV 16/18), a sexually transmitted disease, as there are HPV-related cases of cervical cancer.
Early detection happens at your dental office… Clinical studies have determined that using ViziLite Plus, a special dye used in the mouth, improves the dental professionals ability to identify and evaluate suspicious areas at their earliest stages. Early detection of pre-cancerous tissue can minimize or eliminate the potentially disfiguring effects of oral cancer, and possibly save your life. Proven screening technologies such as mammograms, Pap smears, PSA and colonoscopies, offer the same type of early detection of cancer. ViziLite Plus is an easy and painless examination that gives you the best chance to find any oral abnormalities you may have at the earliest possible stage.
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